1.5 update

1.5 update is now available!


  • Balance changes: maximum speed has been decreased, gaps to fly through get narrower over time instead. The game reaches maximum difficulty after 2 minutes and 100 obstacles.

  • New mechanic: lifes! Single mistake no longer means game end. You have 3 lifes, which slowly regenerate as you gain points (1 life per 250 points).

  • New UX: tutorial and score upload is now handled automatically. The entire menu flow has been simplified.

  • WebGL on mobile is now supported! There's known issue with audio glitching in Samsung Internet browser, and Apple devices are untested.

  • Full screen in WebGL!

  • New leaderboard

  • New background with changing color.

  • Other minor changes and fixes.

I hope the game is now more engaging and easier to get into! Have fun!

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